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The following describes the behavior of git hooks that hk supports.


Runs when git commit is run before the commit is created. By default this will run "fix"[0] commands instead of "check"[1] which by convention may edit files. While automatically formatting code with fixers is convenient, it may result in slower behavior as hk may need to lock files if 2 linters are to edit the same file.

  • Stashes any untracked/unstaged changes (disable with HK_STASH=0)
  • Gathers list of files with staged changes (or all files if running hk run pre-commit --all)
  • Runs linters and hook steps in parallel up to HK_JOBS at a time, with caveats:
    • exclusive = true hook steps will wait until all previous steps finished and block later steps from starting
    • if any hook step has any dependencies, hk will wait for them to complete before starting
    • hk will create read/write locks for each file to check/fix in the linters
    • if "fix" is set (default behavior) and multiple linters in the same group[2] are to edit the same file, hk will do one of the following:
      • if stomp = true, hk will grab read locks instead of write locks for the "fix" command. Use this if the tool itself has its own locking behavior or you simply don't care if the files may be written by multiple fix commands at the same time.
      • if check_first = true on the linter, hk will run the "check" command first with a read lock, if that fails, it will run the "fix" command with a write lock
      • if check_first = false on the linter, hk will run the "fix" command with write locks, blocking other linters from running
      • modified files are added to the git index
    • if "check" is set (because the linter does not have a "fix" command, HK_FIX=0 is set, or hk run pre-commit --check), hk runs all linters in parallel. They should not be modifying files so this should be safe to do.
    • untracked/unstaged changes are unstashed
    • commit is allowed to run if no check/fix commands failed


Runs when git push is run before git push sends the changes to the remote repository.


[0]: "fix" commands may edit files. This requires some locking behavior which may impact performance so that linters don't conflict with each other. [1]: "check" commands may not edit files and can run in max parallelism—so long as 0 fix commands are also running. Note that this is enforced only by convention. hk will not prevent you from editing files in a check command and does not watch the repo for modifications for performance reasons. [2]: A group is a collection of hook steps separated by steps with exclusive = true.

Licensed under the MIT License. Maintained by @jdx and friends.